Religious Education

The study of Religious Education enhances pupils’ awareness and understanding of religions, beliefs, teachings and practices, developing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This enables children to understand the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures.

As a result of our Religious education curriculum, learners will develop a sense of identity and belonging as citizens in a multi-faith society and global community. They will be given opportunities for personal reflection to enable them to develop respect for and tolerance/sensitivity towards others, in particular those whose faiths, beliefs and practices are different from their own.

Pupils are encouraged to learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions while exploring their own beliefs and questions. Children will be able to develop their own questioning skills through opportunities to reflect on the ‘big’ questions of life and death, meaning and purpose. They will develop their ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues, enabling them to develop respect for other people’s right to hold different beliefs. 

Teaching and learning in RE is enriched by a range of trips, visits and first hand experiences of places, people and artefacts. Experiences of this kind enable pupils to learn about and from other religions in meaningful ways.

Our aspiration is that children are inspired to be curious about different faith, practices, beliefs, values and traditions, developing a positive attitude towards living in a society of diverse religions, both in and out of school.

To be successful, learners must:

  • develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain (Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam)

  • know key facts about major world religions that they have studied

  • engage in developing their knowledge and understanding with Religious Education, regardless of their own beliefs and values

  • reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences and consider how they relate to and differ from those of other people.

  • Use appropriate vocabulary and subject-specific terminology in order to articulate and communicate their thoughts, opinions and feelings when exploring aspects of Religious Education

  • Connect learning within different aspects of RE and between RE and other subjects (e.g. history, geography and international learning)


EYFS – Knowledge and Understanding of the World

During the Reception Year, pupils MUST encounter Christianity PLUS at least one other religion from Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.

In Foundation Stage RE is taught through the Knowledge and Understanding section of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Through a cross-curricular approach, pupil will develop an understanding of their own needs, feelings and beliefs and those of others. It is expected that learning will be experiential and thematic during the EYFS.

Toddlers and young children will be learning to:

  • Make connections between the features of their family and other families

  • Notice differences between people.

3 and 4-year-olds will be learning to:

  • Continue developing positive attitudes about the differences between people

  • Talk about members of their immediate family and community.

  • Name and describe people who are familiar to them.

Children in reception will be learning to:

  • Understand that some places are special to members of their community.

  • Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.

Religious Education will be taught in accordance with the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for RE. ALL schools have the statutory obligation to teach Religious Education to ALL pupils. RE should be taught to all pupils in full-time education in schools, except for those withdrawn at the written request of their parents. (REFERENCE ‘EDUCATION ACT’ 1944, ‘RE IN ENGLISH SCHOOLS: NON-STATUTORY GUIDANCE 2010, DCSF).

RE Policy

Year 1

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Let’s Celebrate!

Is everybody special?
Does it feel special to belong?
Who do I believe I am?

Are some stories more important than others?
What can I learn from stories from religious traditions? Should people follow religious leaders and teachings?  Christianity/Judaism/Old Testament stories/Moral stories

Places of Worship

Exploring what a place of worship is and the importance of places of

worship to religious believers and communities. The key features of a Jewish synagogue, Hindu mandir and Christian church, learning about objects, design and uses of each place of worship.

Year 2

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Do religious symbols mean the same to everyone? Are symbols better than words at expressing religious beliefs? Who do I believe I am?

Rules and Routines

Exploring why we have rules and routines and how they help us in our everyday lives and from the viewpoint of different religions

Can stories change people? Who do I believe I am? What can I learn from stories from religious traditions?

Should we celebrate Harvest or Christmas?
Are religious celebrations important to people? Is God important to everyone?

Beginnings and Endings

Exploring how beginnings and endings are marked in special ways in different religions and their own lives.

How should you spend the weekend?
Does it feel special to belong? Are symbols better than words at expressing religious beliefs? Faith(s)/Themes: Judaism/Shabbat

Year 3

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

KS2 RE VOCABULARY UNIT – a focus on developing children’s understanding of key RE vocabulary


Exploring the key aspects of the Muslim faith - where Islam originated, about special places linked to Islam, about key festivals in Muslim life, symbols in Islam, the Muslim holy book and the main beliefs held by Muslims.

Hinduism - Exploring its origins, core beliefs, festivals, special places, different holy books, key Hindu symbols and their meanings. Including visits to a local temple

Is light a good symbol for celebration? 

Key Concepts: Light; Belief; Advent; Diwali; Chanukah. Learning Objective: to understand the significance of light as a symbol of belief


Exploring its origins, special places linked to Christianity, key festivals, symbols, the Christian holy book and the main beliefs held by Christians.

Year 4

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Sacred Texts - The Bible

Exploring its origins, its role as a sacred religious text and how it is used by Christians around the world

Food and Fasting

Exploring how food is used in everyday life, 

and within specific religions.

Reflection end point - should believers give things up?

Reflect and answer the question, drawing on what they have explored and learnt about food/fasting across different religions


Exploring what pilgrimage is and the role it plays in the six main world religions

Reflection end point - Is a holy journey necessary for believers?

Reflect and answer the question, drawing on what they have explored and learnt about pilgrimages across different religions

Did Jesus really do miracles?

Key Concepts: Miracles

Learning Objective: to explore at least two miracles of Jesus and evaluate them

Year 5

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

What is Worship?

Children will explore what worship is, what it means to religious believers and how believers worship differently.

Are you inspired? 

Key Concepts: Christ; Holy Spirit; Inspiration; Learning Objective:  to explore the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiring Christians in the past and today

Does the community of the Gurdwara help Sikhs lead better lives? 

To explore how the Gurdwara influences the life and belief of Sikhs

What is the True Meaning of Christmas for Christians?

The children will question if the true meaning of Christmas is still present today and question if the meaning has changed for some.


RE project – Sikhism

Including visits to a local Gurdwara

Year 6

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Learning about Saints

Exploring Saints, All Saints Day

Comparing Saints with significant people

Reflection end point -  Are the saints encouraging role models?

Reflect and answer the question, drawing on what they have explored and learnt about a range of Saints and Saints days

Is the resurrection important to Christians?

Key Concepts: Resurrection; Reincarnation; Funeral; Heaven. Learning Objective:  to explore the resurrection of Jesus, the Easter narrative and concepts of life after death (COINS project)

Creation Stories

Exploring a range of creation stories

Reflection end point -  Does it matter what we believe about creation?

Reflect and answer the question, drawing on what they have explored and learnt about different creation stories

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